You don’t have to be called “Alejandro” to have rhythm in your blood, thought
Alexander Strohmaier and began playing drums and percussion as a 12-year-old
self-taught and at 18 in his first professional band, the “Bänkelsänger”. There they mixed Latino music with dialect lyrics – as a fusion between Caipirinha and
Almdudler – which was more tasteful than it sounds. The years and countless contacts
with musicians from Brazil and South America lured the Viennese percussionist to the
other hemisphere. With such inspiration, he also found his most important musical mentor in
Letieres Leite. Since then, Strohmaier has only allowed his wrists a break when he picks up
paper and paint, no less rhythmically. Current live projects: VienaLoco, Richard Wagner Group, Strawanza, Phone3Phone,
The cozy Famous…
Sascha Strohmaier – Live & Studio